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Product parameter list

URL and request format https://api.digiseller.ru/api/products/options/list/{product_id}?token={token}
Method: GET
Request headers: Accept: "text/xml" | "text/json" | "application/json" - Response format
Request parameters:
Name Use Comment
productId Item id Integer
token Access token,
min. permission: [ Parameters ]: View
Method for creating access token
XML response format: JSON response format: xml json <response> <retval>0</retval> <content> <id>110837</id> <type>checkbox</type> <order>1</order> <name> <locale>ru-RU</locale> <value>test parameter</value> </name> </content> <content> <id>110840</id> <type>text</type> <order>2</order> <name> <locale>ru-RU</locale> <value>4</value> </name> </content> <content> <id>110931</id> <type>select</type> <order>2</order> <name> <locale>ru-RU</locale> <value>test parameter 2</value> </name> </content> </response> { "retval": 0, "retdesc": null, "errors": null, "content": [ { "id": 110837, "type": "checkbox", "comment": null, "order": 1, "name": [ { "locale": "ru-RU", "value": "test parameter" } ] }, { "id": 110931, "type": "select", "comment": null, "order": 17, "name": [ { "locale": "ru-RU", "value": "test parameter 2" } ] } ] }
Response parameters:
Name Use Comment
retval Result code 0 - success, 1 - error. Detailed information in field 'errors'
retdesc Description of result code Detailed information in field 'errors'
errors Result code Null - errors count is 0. if request is invalid, in this field this field will contain an array of errors
errors\code Error code String
errors\message Description of result code String
content Response body If request is invalid, this field will be null
content\id Variant id Integer
content\type Parameter type String. available values: 'textarea', 'checkbox', 'text', 'radio', 'select'
content\name Parameter label Array
content\name\locale Localization ('ru-RU' or 'en-US') String
content\name\value Localization value String
content\comment Comment Array
content\comment\locale Localization ('ru-RU' or 'en-US') String
content\comment\value Localization value String
content\order Sorting number (starts from 1) Integer

Parameter information

URL and request format https://api.digiseller.ru/api/products/options/{option_id}?token={token}
Method: GET
Request headers: Accept: "text/xml" | "text/json" | "application/json" - Response format
Request parameters:
Name Use Comment
option_id Parameter ID Integer
token Access token,
min. permission: [ Parameters ]: View
Method for creating access token
XML response format: JSON response format: xml json <response> <retval>0</retval> <content> <id>110837</id> <type>checkbox</type> <name> <locale>ru-RU</locale> <value>12312312312</value> </name> <order>1</order> <no_default>false</no_default> <separate_content>false</separate_content> <required>false</required> <modifier_visible>true</modifier_visible> <variants> <variant_id>173359</variant_id> <name> <locale>ru-RU</locale> <value>12312312312</value> </name> <type>percentplus</type> <rate>1.00</rate> <is_default>true</is_default> <visible>true</visible> <order>1</order> </variants> </content> </response> { "retval": 0, "retdesc": null, "errors": null, "content": { "id": 110837, "type": "checkbox", "name": [ { "locale": "ru-RU", "value": "12312312312" } ], "order": 1, "comment": null, "no_default": false, "separate_content": false, "required": false, "modifier_visible": true, "variants": [ { "variant_id": 173359, "name": [ { "locale": "ru-RU", "value": "12312312312" } ], "type": "percentplus", "rate": 1.00, "is_default": true, "visible": true, "order": 1 } ] } }
Response parameters:
Name Use Comment
retval Result code 0 - success, 1 - error. Detailed information in field 'errors'
retdesc Description of result code Detailed information in field 'errors'
errors Result code Null - errors count is 0. if request is invalid, in this field this field will contain an array of errors
errors\code Error code String
errors\message Description of result code String
content Response body If request is invalid, this field will be null
content\id Parameter ID Integer
content\type Parameter type String. available values: 'textarea', 'checkbox', 'text', 'radio', 'select'
content\name Parameter label Array
content\name\locale Localization ('ru-RU' or 'en-US') String
content\name\value Localization value String
content\comment Comment Array
content\comment\locale Localization ('ru-RU' or 'en-US') String
content\comment\value Localization value String
content\order Sorting number (starts from 1) Integer
content\no_default Parameter is required Boolean
content\separate_content Indication of separate content by product parameter variant Boolean
content\required This parameter has no default value Boolean
content\modifier_visible Hide price modifier Boolean
content\variants Variant list Array
content\variants\id Variant id Integer
content\variants\name Option label Array
content\variants\name\locale Localization ('ru-RU' or 'en-US') String
content\variants\name\value Localization value String
content\variants\type Price modifier String. available values: 'percentplus', 'percentminus', 'priceplus', 'priceminus'
content\variants\rate Modifier value Float
content\variants\is_default Default Boolean
content\variants\visible Hidden Boolean
content\variants\order Sorting number (starts from 1) Integer

Create parameter

URL and request format https://api.digiseller.ru/api/products/options?token={token}
Method: POST
Request headers: Content-Type: "text/xml" | "text/json" | "application/json" - Request format Accept: "text/xml" | "text/json" | "application/json" - Response format
XML request format JSON request format xml json <request> <name> <locale>ru-RU</locale> <value>тестовый параметр</value> </name> <name> <locale>en-US</locale> <value>test param</value> </name> <type>select</type> <separate_content>true</separate_content> <required>true</required> <modifier_visible>true</modifier_visible> <order>1</order> <product_id>12345</product_id> <variants> <name> <locale>ru-RU</locale> <value>тестовый вариант</value> </name> <name> <locale>en-US</locale> <value>test variant</value> </name> <type>priceplus</type> <rate>1</rate> <default>true</default> <order>1</order> </variants> <variants> <name> <locale>ru-RU</locale> <value>тестовый вариант 2</value> </name> <name> <locale>en-US</locale> <value>test variant 2</value> </name> <type>percentminus</type> <rate>1</rate> <default>true</default> <order>2</order> </variants> </request> { "name": [ { "locale": "ru-RU", "value": "тестовый параметр" }, { "locale": "en-US", "value": "test param" } ], "comment": null, "type": "select", "separate_content": true, "required": true, "modifier_visible": true, "order": 1, "product_id": 12345, "variants": [ { "name": [ { "locale": "ru-RU", "value": "тестовый вариант" }, { "locale": "en-US", "value": "test variant" } ], "type": "priceplus", "rate": 1, "default": true, "order": 1 }, { "name": [ { "locale": "ru-RU", "value": "тестовый вариант 2" }, { "locale": "en-US", "value": "test variant 2" } ], "type": "percentminus", "rate": 1, "default": false, "order": 2 } ] }
Request parameters:
Name Use Comment
name Parameter label Array
name\locale Localization ('ru-RU' or 'en-US') String
name\value Localization value String
comment Comment Array
comment\locale Localization ('ru-RU' or 'en-US') String
comment\value Localization value String
type Parameter type String. available values: 'textarea', 'checkbox', 'text', 'radio', 'select'
separate_content Indication of separate content by product parameter variant Boolean
required Parameter is required Boolean
modifier_visible Hide price modifier Boolean
order Sorting number (starts from 1) Integer
variants Variant list Array
variants\name Option label Array
variants\name\locale Localization ('ru-RU' or 'en-US') String
variants\name\value Localization value String
variants\type Price modifier String. available values: 'percentplus', 'percentminus', 'priceplus', 'priceminus'
variants\rate Modifier value Float
variants\default Default Boolean
variants\order Sorting number (starts from 1) Integer
token Access token,
min. permission: [ Parameters ]: Create
Method for creating access token
XML response format: JSON response format: xml json <response> <retval>0</retval> <retdesc>Return description</retdesc> <content> <option_id>1</option_id> </content> </response> { "retval": 0, "retdesc": null, "errors": null, "content": { "option_id": 12345 } }
Response parameters:
Name Use Comment
retval Result code 0 - success, 1 - error. Detailed information in field 'errors'
retdesc Description of result code Detailed information in field 'errors'
errors Result code Null - errors count is 0. if request is invalid, in this field this field will contain an array of errors
errors\code Error code String
errors\message Description of result code String
content Response body If request is invalid, this field will be null
content\option_id Parameter ID Integer

Edit parameter

URL and request format https://api.digiseller.ru/api/products/options/update?token={token}
Method: POST
Request headers: Content-Type: "text/xml" | "text/json" | "application/json" - Request format Accept: "text/xml" | "text/json" | "application/json" - Response format
XML request format JSON request format xml json <request> <name> <locale>ru-RU</locale> <value>тестовый параметр</value> </name> <name> <locale>en-US</locale> <value>test param</value> </name> <type>select</type> <separate_content>true</separate_content> <required>true</required> <modifier_visible>true</modifier_visible> <order>1</order> <option_id>12345</option_id> </request> { "name": [ { "locale": "ru-RU", "value": "тестовый параметр" }, { "locale": "en-US", "value": "test param" } ], "comment": null, "type": "select", "separate_content": true, "required": true, "modifier_visible": true, "order": 1, "option_id": 12345 }
Request parameters:
Name Use Comment
name Parameter label Array
name\locale Localization ('ru-RU' or 'en-US') String
name\value Localization value String
comment Comment Array
comment\locale Localization ('ru-RU' or 'en-US') String
comment\value Localization value String
type Parameter type String. available values: 'textarea', 'checkbox', 'text', 'radio', 'select'
separate_content Indication of separate content by product parameter variant Boolean
required Parameter is required Boolean
modifier_visible Hide price modifier Boolean
order Sorting number (starts from 1) Integer
option_id Parameter ID Integer
variant_id Variant id Integer
token Access token,
min. permission: [ Parameters ]: Edit
Method for creating access token
XML response format: JSON response format: xml json <response> <retval>0</retval> <retdesc>Return description</retdesc> <content> <status>Success</status> </content> </response> { "retval": 0, "retdesc": null, "errors": null, "content": { "status": "Success" } }
Response parameters:
Name Use Comment
retval Result code 0 - success, 1 - error. Detailed information in field 'errors'
retdesc Description of result code Detailed information in field 'errors'
errors Result code Null - errors count is 0. if request is invalid, in this field this field will contain an array of errors
errors\code Error code String
errors\message Description of result code String
content Response body If request is invalid, this field will be null
content\status Response status String

Delete parameter

URL and request format https://api.digiseller.ru/api/products/options/{option_id}/delete?token={token}
Method: GET
Request headers: Accept: "text/xml" | "text/json" | "application/json" - Response format
Request parameters:
Name Use Comment
option_id Parameter ID Integer
token Access token,
min. permission: [ Parameters ]: Delete
Method for creating access token
XML response format: JSON response format: xml json <result> <retval>0</retval> <retdesc>Return description</retdesc> <content> <status>Success</status> </content> </result> { "retval": 0, "retdesc": "", "errors": null, "content": { "status": "Success" } }
Response parameters:
Name Use Comment
retval Result code 0 - success, 1 - error. Detailed information in field 'errors'
retdesc Description of result code Detailed information in field 'errors'
errors Result code Null - errors count is 0. if request is invalid, in this field this field will contain an array of errors
errors\code Error code String
errors\message Description of result code String
content Response body If request is invalid, this field will be null
content\status Response status String

Create variant

URL and request format https://api.digiseller.ru/api/products/options/{option_id}/variants?token={token}
Method: POST
Request headers: Content-Type: "text/xml" | "text/json" | "application/json" - Request format Accept: "text/xml" | "text/json" | "application/json" - Response format
XML request format JSON request format xml json <request> <variants> <name> <locale>ru-RU</locale> <value>тестовый вариант</value> </name> <name> <locale>en-US</locale> <value>test variant</value> </name> <type>priceplus</type> <rate>1</rate> <default>true</default> <order>1</order> </variants> <variants> <name> <locale>ru-RU</locale> <value>тестовый вариант 2</value> </name> <name> <locale>en-US</locale> <value>test variant 2</value> </name> <type>percentminus</type> <rate>1</rate> <default>true</default> <order>2</order> </variants> </request> { "variants": [ { "name": [ { "locale": "ru-RU", "value": "тестовый вариант" }, { "locale": "en-US", "value": "test variant" } ], "type": "priceplus", "rate": 1, "default": true, "order": 1 }, { "name": [ { "locale": "ru-RU", "value": "тестовый вариант 2" }, { "locale": "en-US", "value": "test variant 2" } ], "type": "percentminus", "rate": 1, "default": false, "order": 2 } ] }
Request parameters:
Name Use Comment
option_id Parameter ID Integer
variants Variant list Array
variants\name Option label Array
variants\name\locale Localization ('ru-RU' or 'en-US') String
variants\name\value Localization value String
variants\type Price modifier String. available values: 'percentplus', 'percentminus', 'priceplus', 'priceminus'
variants\rate Modifier value Float
variants\default Default Boolean
variants\order Sorting number (starts from 1) Integer
token Access token,
min. permission: [ Parameters ]: Edit
Method for creating access token
XML response format: JSON response format: xml json <response> <retval>0</retval> <retdesc>Return description</retdesc> <content> <variants>12345</variants> </content> </response> { "retval": 0, "retdesc": null, "errors": null, "content": { "variants": [12345] } }
Response parameters:
Name Use Comment
retval Result code 0 - success, 1 - error. Detailed information in field 'errors'
retdesc Description of result code Detailed information in field 'errors'
errors Result code Null - errors count is 0. if request is invalid, in this field this field will contain an array of errors
errors\code Error code String
errors\message Description of result code String
content Response body If request is invalid, this field will be null
content\variants Variant id Array

Edit variant

URL and request format https://api.digiseller.ru/api/products/options/{option_id}/variants/{variant_id}?token={token}
Method: POST
Request headers: Content-Type: "text/xml" | "text/json" | "application/json" - Request format Accept: "text/xml" | "text/json" | "application/json" - Response format
XML request format JSON request format xml json <request> <name> <locale>ru-RU</locale> <value>тестовый вариант</value> </name> <name> <locale>en-US</locale> <value>test variant</value> </name> <type>priceplus</type> <rate>1</rate> <default>true</default> <visible>true</visible> <order>1</order> </request> { "name": [ { "locale": "ru-RU", "value": "тестовый вариант" }, { "locale": "en-US", "value": "test variant" } ], "type": "priceplus", "rate": 1, "default": true, "visible": true, "order": 1 }
Request parameters:
Name Use Comment
option_id Parameter ID Integer
variants Variant list Array
variants\name Option label Array
variants\name\locale Localization ('ru-RU' or 'en-US') String
variants\name\value Localization value String
variants\type Price modifier String. available values: 'percentplus', 'percentminus', 'priceplus', 'priceminus'
variants\rate Modifier value Float
variants\default Default Boolean
variants\visible Hidden Boolean
variants\order Sorting number (starts from 1) Integer
token Access token,
min. permission: [ Parameters ]: Edit
Method for creating access token
XML response format: JSON response format: xml json <response> <retval>0</retval> <retdesc>Return description</retdesc> <content> <status>Success</status> </content> </response> { "retval": 0, "retdesc": null, "errors": null, "content": { "status": "Success" } }
Response parameters:
Name Use Comment
retval Result code 0 - success, 1 - error. Detailed information in field 'errors'
retdesc Description of result code Detailed information in field 'errors'
errors Result code Null - errors count is 0. if request is invalid, in this field this field will contain an array of errors
errors\code Error code String
errors\message Description of result code String
content Response body If request is invalid, this field will be null
content\status Response status String

Delete variant

URL and request format https://api.digiseller.ru/api/products/options/{option_id}/variants/{variantId}/delete?token={token}
Method: GET
Request headers: Accept: "text/xml" | "text/json" | "application/json" - Response format
Request parameters:
Name Use Comment
option_id Parameter ID Integer
variant_id Variant id Integer
token Access token,
min. permission: [ Parameters ]: Edit
Method for creating access token
XML response format: JSON response format: xml json <result> <retval>0</retval> <retdesc>Return description</retdesc> <content> <status>Success</status> </content> </result> { "retval": 0, "retdesc": "", "errors": null, "content": { "status": "Success" } }
Response parameters:
Name Use Comment
retval Result code 0 - success, 1 - error. Detailed information in field 'errors'
retdesc Description of result code Detailed information in field 'errors'
errors Result code Null - errors count is 0. if request is invalid, in this field this field will contain an array of errors
errors\code Error code String
errors\message Description of result code String
content Response body If request is invalid, this field will be null
content\status Response status String